About Us
Eco-development refers to development at regional and local levels, consistent with the potentials of the area involved, with attention given to the adequate and rational use of natural resources, technological styles and organizational forms that respect the natural ecosystems and local social and cultural patterns.
The term is also used to describe an integrated approach to environment and development.
This is what our company strives to achieve in everything it does.
Founded by Gena Arthur in 2009, Eco Developments has “developed” into a team of passionate and experienced individuals.

Natural Building Services
Specializing in eco-friendly construction using cob, strawbale, and sustainable material systems.
Educational Workshops Offered
Engage in hands-on learning about natural building methods and sustainable practices for all.

Consultation Services Available
Expert guidance for incorporating natural materials and sustainability into your building projects.
Join our community for support in sustainable building solutions and knowledge sharing.
Community Support Network
Learn to build with natural materials effectively.
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